From the Xanadu ","articleBody":" From the Xanadu release, the CMDB Health Dashboard has been redesigned and moved to the CMDB Workspace. Key changes to the CMDB Health Dashboard dashboard include: Below is an overview of how scores are calculated for each KPI (Correctness, Completeness, Compliance): Correctness: 5840 Unhealthy CIs in total [Duplicate: 1140 CIs; Stale: 57320 CIs], resulting in a 69% score [127150 healthy out of 185610]. CMDB Health Dashboard Score Card Calculation [from Xanadu release]
1. PA "CMDB Health Dasobhards" are no longer supported. The dashboard has been deleted and is no longer available for new and Zbooted instances.
2. Simplified scoring:
- The overall health score concept has been removed and no longer appears in CMDB Health dashboards or views.
- The concept of weighted averages and scorecard thresholds, which specify the ranges of health states, has been removed.
- The KPI [Completeness, Correctness, Compliance] score is now calculated as the ratio of all failed CIs across sub-metrics to the total CIs across those sub-metrics.
3. Failure limits:
The maximum health failures for each metric (e.g., Required, Recommended) are now capped at 100K, regardless of the failure threshold setting in Health Preferences.
a. Duplicate: 184470 Healthy CIs [Non-Duplicate] out of 185610 total; score: 184470/185610 ==> 99%.
b. Orphan: 185610 Healthy CIs [Non-Orphan] out of 185610 total; score: 185610/185610 ==>100%.
c. Staleness: 128290 Healthy CIs [Non-Stale] out of 185610 total; score: 128290/185610 ==> 69%.